Direct Assistance to Families Profiled in the Star-Telegram
In some instances, our readers have generously offered to directly assist families profiled in the Star-Telegram articles.
Goodfellow Fund policy for Direct Assistance to a family:
The Goodfellow Fund respects the privacy of families who are interviewed by Star-Telegram reporters during the annual fundraising campaign. We have assured family members that we will not share any identifying information about them. Their name, address, phone number or email address.
If you are interested in directly assisting a profiled family please send an email message to with your name and contact information. In your email provide the date of the published article and the family name in the story and give us your permission for us to share your contact information.
As soon as your email is received our staff will provide your contact information with the profiled family, then, if they wish, they may contact you as their time allows.
Be aware that many individuals simply do not have the time, would prefer to decline assistance or in some cases embarrassed to seek help and may not call back.
Your kind gesture is appreciated!